HeARTs Speak is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that unites art and advocacy to increase the visibility of shelter animals. They are dedicated to changing the way the world sees shelter animals through programs that leverage creativity and collaboration to ensure more animals are Seen and Saved.
The Artists Helping Animals program is a network of 500 professional artists working in a variety of mediums, who provide their services pro bono or donate their work to animal shelters, rescues, and advocacy groups. Their mission is to increase the visibility of homeless animals through marketing tools, training, and partnerships. Motivated by the sobering statistic that in the US, only 25-30% of pets living in homes were adopted from a shelter or program (possibly less globally), the goal is to improve the image of animal shelters and animals in need.
Artist members, such as myself, understand that research shows the vital importance of good imagery and creative communications in the field of animal sheltering and adoption. In fact, a 2017 study found that 64% of adopters said online photos were extremely or very important to their decisions to adopt a dog, and that 9 out of 10 adopters use online photos to compare several animals (Wood, 2017, University of Richmond).
As such we contribute our services (pro bono) through beautiful, professional-quality imagery and promotional pieces, including photographs, graphic design, writing, paintings, sculpture, jewelry, drawings, and videos to support and empower animal welfare organizations.
Each year, this program impacts over 200,000 animals who are awaiting homes across the globe. By joining forces with others who share our vision, we can truly make a difference in our community and for the animals.
You can learn more about HeARTs Speak and take advantage of their other free resources and tools www.HeARTsSpeak.org.